Biggest source of migrants to Australia revealed

For the second year in a row, India has been revealed as Australia's biggest source of migrants to Australia.


Source: Supplied

India has been revealed as Australia’s biggest source of migrants for the second year in a row despite a fall in migrant intake for 2017-18.
Compared to 183,608 permanent visas granted in 2016-17, only 162,417 permanent visas were granted in 2017-18.
Over 20.5 per cent of the total permanent migration program outcome for 2017-18 came from India. 33,310 places of 162,417 places were granted to Indian citizens.

China accounted for 15.5 per cent of migrants and the United Kingdom accounted for 8.4% of migrants in 2017-18.

The largest source countries of migrants for 2017–18 were:

  • India with an outcome of 33,310 places (20.5 per cent of outcome), down from 38,854 places in 2016–17;
  • China with 25,145 places (15.5 per cent), down from 28,293 places; and
  • The United Kingdom with 13,654 places (8.4 per cent), down from 17,038 places
The top 10 citizenship countries of migrants, excluding New Zealand citizens:
Top source of migrants
Source: Migration Report 2017-18
For program year 2017/18, 4,820 visas were granted to primary and secondary applicants in the subclass 189 (New Zealand) stream, the Department of Home Affairs told SBS Hindi.
Indian family at Mateship fair in Sydney
India is the biggest source of migrants to Australia since 2016. Source: SBS

Maximum number of visas granted under the Skill stream

The Skill Stream accounted for 68.4 per cent of the total 2017–18 migration program outcome.

The Family stream (excluding Child) accounted for 29.4 per cent of the total 2017–18 migration program outcome with Child stream accounting for 2.1% of the outcome.

The total permanent migration program outcome for 2017–18 was 162,417 places:

  • · Skill stream – 111,099 places;
  • · Family stream – 47,732 places;
  • · Special Eligibility stream - 236 places; and
  • · Child visas - 3350 places.
“In this program year, finalisation rates were only marginally lower (reducing by only 0.7 per cent) when compared with the 2016-17 program year,” the report reads.

“Shifting risks and an increased focus on integrity resulted in the number of visa refusals and withdrawals increasing significantly in 2017-18. Total refusals increased by 46.2 per cent, while withdrawals increased by 17 per cent.”

Migrants choose to settle in NSW and Victoria

New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and Western Australian were the top four states migrants chose to settle in 2017-18 with 52,251 choosing to settle in NSW and 41,005 choosing to settle in Victoria.

  • New South Wales 52,251
  • Victoria 41,005
  • Queensland 17,870
  • Western Australia 13,480
  • South Australia 12,017
  • Australian Capital Territory 3277
  • Tasmania 2775
  • Northern Territory 2483
*There were 17,259 places where there was no state or territory intended residence indicated.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Hyderabad House in New Delhi
Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Hyderabad House in New Delhi. Source: AAP

Australia’s focus on India

Recently, a report commissioned by the Australian government, by Mr Peter Varghese AO, Chancellor of the University of Queensland and former Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has pointed out ‘that no single market over the next 20 years will offer more growth opportunities for Australia than India.

“This report recommends that we should strive by 2035 to lift India into our top three export markets, to make India the third largest destination in Asia for Australian outward investment, and to bring India into the inner circle of Australia's strategic partnerships, and with people to people ties as close as any in Asia,” the report reads.

“The Government commissioned this report to look beyond the immediate horizon and provide a roadmap for unlocking the opportunities that will help India and Australia grow together. It is about cementing India as a priority economic partner,” the then Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, Mr Steven Ciobo said in July 2018.

The report contains 90 recommendations and information on 10 sectors identified as areas where Australia has a measure of competitive advantage.

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3 min read
Published 2 November 2018 3:59pm
By Mosiqi Acharya

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