The Fight For And Against The Boycott Of Fhe Sydney Festival


Source: Wikipedia

This week's headlines in Yiddish: boycott of the Sydney Festival, Australian travellers to Israel will be able to enter the country, and students from the Sydney Jewish Moriah College were found safe and sound after a nearly 24 hour search.

The fight for and against the boycott of the Sydney Festival by artists and performers, because of the
Israeli Embassy subsidy to the Sydney Dance Company to perform a tribute to the Bat Sheva Israeli
dance company, sharpened this week with more voices supporting the festival rallying to the cause.

Australian travellers to Israel will be able to enter the country following the lifting of restrictions on
travel to Israel from around the world last week.

Two lost students from the Sydney Jewish Moriah College were found safe and sound after a nearly
24 hour search, thanks to the State emergency services, the Jewish community security group CSG
and the school and community volunteers.
