23 year old Khushaal Vyas nominated Australia Day Ambassador for 2019

Australia Day Ambassador Khushaal Vyas

Australia Day Ambassador Khushaal Vyas Source: SBS Gujarati

Khushaal Vyas has been nominated this year's Australia Day Ambassador for the Woodenborg council in northern NSW. Khushaal joins us to talk about what does being Australian mean to him and how does he balance his Gujarati roots with his Australian identity. At 13 Khushaal was the youngest ever member of his local council’s Youth Advisory Committee, he is the President of UNSW Law Society and has co-founded a regional volunteer program to work with the Dubbo and Wiradjuri Community and mentor disadvantaged Indigenous children.

Australia Day Ambassadors are inspirational and influential individuals who volunteer their time and energy for the community at large. They are past recipients of the Australian of the Year Awards, sportspeople, scientists, businesspeople, actors and community workers invited by the Premier's office to provide inspiration and pride to Australia Day events.
