Lecture: "Peter Michelides and the contribution of globalisation to the decline of the tobacco tycoon"

Peter Michelides.png

Ο Πέτρος Μιχελίδης μετανάστευσε στη Δυτική Αυστραλία το 1894 Credit: State Library of Western Australia

Lecture on the topic: "Peter Michelides and the contribution of globalisation to the decline of the tobacco tycoon", is organised by the Greek Community of Melbourne, via YouTube, Facebook, and the community website.

Peter Michelidis emigrated to Western Australia in 1894, where he excelled, establishing a prosperous tobacco empire with the help of his brother Michael.

The business began by producing handmade cigarettes, where its commercial model of direct production and direct-to-customer distribution enabled it to establish itself as the third largest tobacco company in the country.

But beyond his business acumen, Michelidis also had a remarkable involvement in the community's affairs, where for a number of years, he was elected to the post of president of the Greek Community, making him its longest serving president.
