How Greek Australians are expected to vote in the Victorian elections?

Matthew Guy, Kos Samaras, Daniel Andrews.jpg

“It will be a long night for the Labor Party”: Only a few days are left until Saturday (November 26th), the last day of the Victorian Elections, and the director of Red Bridge Group, analyst Kosmos Samaras, talks to SBS Greek

In the latest statewide poll from Redbridge Group, if the 10.4% undecided are distributed according to who they are leaning towards, the primary votes from the poll are Labor 36.7%, Coalition 35.5%, Greens 13.2%, independents 8.5% and others 6.0%.

Labor is credited with a two-party lead of 53.5-46.5.
In the past three years, very negative sentiment was cultivated towards Premier Daniel Andrews from the Victorian Greeks and it was quite obvious on social media platforms, especially during the pandemic years.

Could we say that the Greeks of Victoria have turned to right-wing parties in the past decade and why?

What is projected to happen with Oakleigh MP Steve Dimopoulos, Bentleigh MP Nick Staikos, and Northcote MP Kat Theophanous?
