Personal stories and some glamor: the TransTrans exhibition at the Victorian Pride Center


Schon in den 1920er Jahren reichten die Netzwerke zur Unterstützung von Trans-Menschen bis nach San Francisco. Credit: Katharina Bonzel

It has never been easy for marginalized groups. This is also and particularly true for transgender people. As early as during the Weimar Republic, some scientists and doctors wanted to do something about this. They built important networks and support for transgender people. And over the years, these networks spanned the entire world. An exhibition at the Victoria Pride Center in Melbourne documents these networks.

During the opening of the exhibition, we spoke with curators Professor Birgit Lang and Professor Katy Sutton. And visitors told us their very personal impressions of the exhibition.
Katy Sutton + Birgit Lang_TransTrans.jpeg
Prof. Katie Sutton und Prof. Birgit Lang haben die Ausstellung TransTrans für das australische Publikum kuratiert. Credit: Katharina Bonzel
The exhibition TransTrans can be seen at the Victoria Pride Center in Melbourne until 3rd November 2024.
