Government launches new Workplace Justice Visa. Here’s what you need to know about its scope and eligibility


Temporary workers pursuing workplace exploitation claims will now be able to stay in Australia for up to 12 months. Credit: Pexels / Rachel Claire

The government has released a new visa subclass allowing individuals who are fighting for their workplace rights, such as victims of work exploitation, to remain in Australia.

Key Points
  • The federal government aims to eliminate the fear of reporting abuse due to concerns about losing one's job and visa in Australia with the introduction of the new Workplace Justice Visa.
  • The purpose of the visa is to allow individuals to stay in the country while they fight for their rights against their employer.
  • While this visa is helpful, more needs to be done to protect temporary visa holders, according to some groups.
The information in this story is general in nature. For advice on individual situations, please contact a career or migration expert.
