
Coronavirus resources in your language

SBS is committed to informing all Australians about the latest coronavirus developments. Coronavirus-related infographics, videos, fact sheets and resources are available below in up to 63 languages.

INFOGRAPHIC: How to do a nasal Rapid Antigen Test

rapid test
Source: SBS
How to do a nasal Rapid Antigen Test infographic is available in the following languages:

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VIDEO: How to wear a mask safely

How to wear a mask safely video is available in the following languages:

INFOGRAPHIC: Stay Home Save Lives

Stay home Save life - SBS radio
Stay home Save life - SBS Radio Source: SBS
Stay Home Save Lives infographic is available in the following languages: 

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INFOGRAPHIC: Domestic violence

Domestic violence during COVID-19 pandemic
Domestic infographic Source: SBS
Domestic violence infographic is available in the following languages:

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INFOGRAPHIC: Mental health and wellbeing

alc covid mental health
Source: ALC
Mental health and wellbeing infographic is available in the following languages: 

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alc covid alcohol english
Source: SBS
Alcohol infographic is available in the following languages: 

INFOGRAPHIC: Safety on public transport

alc safety public transport
Source: SBS
Safety on public transport infographic is available in the following languages: 

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INFOGRAPHIC: Working safely

alc working safely
Source: SBS
Working safely infographic is available in the following languages:

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ALC GP COVID infographic
Source: SBS
GP visits infographics is available in the following languages: 


ALC COVID flu vaccine infographic
Source: SBS
Flu shot infographic is available in the following languages:


COVID-19 myths
Source: SBS
COVID-19 myths infographic is available in the following languages: 

INFOGRAPHIC: How to correctly wear a mask

ALC infographic  face mask
Source: SBS
How to correctly wear a mask infographic is available in the following languages: 

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9 min read
Published 5 August 2020 10:51am
Updated 3 March 2023 2:50pm

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