- Episcopal Church of South Sudan in the verge of disintegration
- ECSS Primate Dr Justin Badi is accused of violating the constitution and the Canons of the Church
- Church's crisis is escalating to be a community problem.
One of the reasons in defrocking letter was that Bishop Reuben Akurdid was accused of canonical disobediences. Bishop Peter Joh Mayom of Diocese of Malek questions if the Primate of Episcopal Church of South Sudan Dr Justin Badi has followed the constitution and the Canons of the Episcopal Church? In this exclusive interview, Bishop Peter questioned the process and procedures used to defrock the Archbishop of the Jonglei Internal province. Before the interview, Bishop Peter sent a protest letter to ECSS Primate Dr Justin Badi and here is the quote.
“Your Grace, the provision of Canons on the trial of A Bishop within the ECSS are very clear & crystal, but you went against them in broad daylight, and you do not want to be told or corrected thereafter. I am not standing with Akurdid but standing with the ECSS constitution and Canons. Akurdid should be defrocked lawfully, but not unlawfully.”