Kätuëŋ bï ŋic
- Ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ tɛden yë kek luui thin aci rëël ke muöknhom ee Kɔ̈cken Tuëŋ Australians tɛn ruön tiim juëc.
- Kɔ̈cdit Aboriginal ɣa kɔc wën thëëk kek akutnhom nyic ku anɛ̈ŋ ku alëu bïk rɔm ke ŋicke ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ yic.
- Duk ye riɔ̈c ku ba thiëc kawën ye buɔ̈thic, na ye kawën looi yin yen dhel ɣa thɛ̈ɛ̈k.
- Luöi dhël lɔ cök ku thööŋ lɔ läilai ee dhël wën puɔ̈lic bi yïn athɛ̈ɛ̈kdu nyuɔ̈th.
Muök nhom ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ ye buɔ̈thic tɛn Kɔ̈c Tuëŋ aci thääny kɔ̈ɔ̈th tɛdan wën ye ɣok luui thin ŋiëc luɔi ku ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋda kek kɔc ̈̈̈Aboriginal Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.
Yen ee kë rilic ku ba muuk cök apɛ̈th ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ cït kënë erin keek ɣa kek Kɔc tuëŋ pɛn Australia. Kek alëŋ ŋiëc wën looithok ee piɛ̈nyden ku aleu bïk ɣok piiɔ̈c tɛ ye muök yen nhom tiɔ̈mdan ciëëŋku.
Caroline Hughes ee tiŋdit Ngunnawal baai alɔŋ ACT ku bääi alɔŋ kënë. Ke ye Tiŋdit Aboriginal, ku yen aye thëëk apɛidittët wɛ̈t lëŋ yen ŋiëc ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ.
"ɣok aleŋ gääm tɛ ye ɣok luui thin käk ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ wën dhuk ciën tɛnë jök yen thin... ku kënë ɣa ŋuɔ̈t ŋot thin ke ye abaŋ käk piɛ̈rda yekölë emenë Australia rëël ɣok thin," Aci luel.
Tɛ muök ɣok käk ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ ye buɔ̈thic nhïïm, aye ku gaam mɛ̈tmɛ̈t këëc kɔ̈u duɔ̈ny yen rɛ̈ɛ̈l ke Gɛ̈ɛ̈th Kɔc Tuëŋ lëŋ kek tiämmden ku käkken thɛ̈ɛ̈r ye kä looi.
Raan ŋuɔ̈t lɔ ke buɔ̈th ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ ee Kɔ̈c Tuëŋ kenë ee Rhoda Roberts, Tïŋdit ciëëŋ ee SBS.
"Ɣok latuëŋ ke luël anyiköl, kaye buɔ̈thic ku duör yëëth tɛ eonɛ. ku na ciɔ̈ŋ käk latuëŋ ke cöök rot piny-ɣok acie kɔc cï duöt piny tɛne tök-tadan yeku cëëŋ eben ku tɛ ye ɣok luui thïïn ka ɣok ye yïïŋa ee ku buk pɛn piɛ̈nyda muuknhom,wɛ̈ɛ̈rkua ku dheɛ̈ɛ̈l yepiu teek ku nyiäth."
Aboriginal dancers perform during the welcome to country before the friendly between AC Milan and AS Roma at Optus Stadium on May 31, 2024 in Perth, Australia. Credit: Paul Kane/Getty Images
Ye keda bï ɣok Kɔctueŋ Australians ya caal thin?
‘Aboriginal’ aye ‘Torres Strait Islander’ ee yen tɛ pɛ̈th lɔ cök Australia thok eben, acïï Caroline Hughes luel.
Kɔc aye kawïc bïk rot nyuɔ̈th ke thääny ke kek ku tɛne bïï kek thin, ciminë, "Koori' aye luui baai alɔŋ New South Wales ku Victoria, 'Murray' pɛn Queensland ku 'Palawa" pɛn Tasmania.
"Ɣa ya nhiäär bi ɣɛn ya cɔl ye tïŋ ee Ngunnawal erin kënë yen Pɛnda," Aci Ms Hughes luel.
My Country is my language group and my tribal group, and that tells other Aboriginal people where I come from.Caroline Hughes
Kɔc karen loithok keya Adööc
Torres Strait Islanders kek aa kɔ̈c Adööc ciëëŋ kam aguuk (islands) tɛ thööny alɔŋ Cape York Peninsula ku Papua New Guinea ku kek mɛ̈n abɔ cök kuatden Melanesian.
Thomas Mayo ee raan Torres Strait Islander ku alui keye Assistant National Secretary kek Akutnhom Käwiir Cimɛt tɛn Australia. Yen aye luel akutnhom Kɔc Adööc ke aa kɔc ŋic roony.
"Kuät Kɔc Gɛ̈ɛ̈th Tuëŋ eben alëŋ ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋden tɛ̈k thok ku aleŋ kën e keek tëk thok kaam Islander ku Aboriginal ee ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋden. Islanders anhiäärke bi kek ŋic keye Kɔ̈c Adööc loithok eben."
Both the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags are flown alongside the Australian national flag Source: AAP / AAP Image/Mick Tsikas
Luui thööŋ lɔ duɛ̈ɛ̈rduɛ̈ɛ̈r
‘Kɔ̈c Adööc’, ‘Aboriginal’, ‘Torres Strait Islander’ ku ‘raandit’ ɣa ka luöi bïk luɛ̈l nyuɔth ku ke jɔ̈k kïïndit. Kït cekic aye kek yiök ke ye lɛ̈ɛ̈t dittet, kuɔ̈nyic Caroline Hughes.
"Duk keek kɔŋ gɔt ke cekic 'Aboriginal'. Ɣok acie ka cekic aya ku ɣok aye kue luel gɛ̈i ee kënë, ku aleeŋ wël r̈ɛ̈c kɔ̈k ɣok ye luöi alëu ku bï ɣok yiëk puöth tɛtök."
Ye yïïŋa kek kɔ̈cdit?
Kɔcdit ɣa kɔc wën theek kek akutnhom yic ku aleŋ ŋiëëc ciɛ̈ɛŋ. Këk aye keek cɔl 'Nyiwaac' ku 'Walɛ̈ɛ̈n'. Ee kënë ciɛɛŋden ku apɛ̈th tɛne kɔc-cie Adööc kɔcke tuëŋ bïk kek käŋ thiëc lɔn bi kek riën käk luöi.
Luurlur ee Bääi tɛ wën lëŋ yen yiei loon aye kek looi ee Kɔ̈cdit akutnhom tɛwën yen looi ke dɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ thin.
Yeŋo kënë 'Lurlur ee Baai'?
Ke jɔ̈k cöl ee 1980s e Rhoda Roberts, Lurlur ee Baai ee ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ wën looi tɛ lëŋ yen luɔr nyuuc thok tɛ lëŋ yen ke looi keya thɛ̈ɛ̈k tɛn kɔc thɛɛr ci jal. Aleu keu be jaam, diër aye tool yaar ci dɛ̈p
tɛden aya, 'ŋiëc ee Bääi' yen ee ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ lurlur wën ye looi mɛ̈tmɛ̈tnhom wën thëëkic, ku yen aleu ke bi looi kuat ee raan tok pɛ̈th, aci Rhoda Roberts luel.
"Gɛ̈mgɛ̈m ee ku bi nyuɔ̈th bi ŋic yïn aleu ba luui aye bä ciëëŋ tɛwën ci tɛ bïï yïïn thin, ku acïn ke rɛ̈ɛ̈lthin. Yin raan ŋuɔ̈t yin nhom yen yen ku awïc ku yïn aba ŋic ku leec kɔ̈c lëŋ nhïïm yen ku kɔ̈cdit kën."
An Indigenous performer participates in a smoking ceremony. Source: Getty / Cameron Spencer/Getty Images
Jamthöŋ wën ci Pɛ̈th
Anyiköl ka rɛ̈ɛ̈c wën ci looi jɔk doom bei mïïth riɛ̈l alëŋ ke ci looi tɛn kɔ̈c wën bi ka ci thiëëc dhuk nhïïm alɔŋ tɛden bï kuätden cok thin, aci Caroline Hughes luel.
"Yen acië piɛ̈th ku ba jam akuën ku dɛ̈ɛ̈t, nyin ku kiit nhiim nhomic erin erin miëthkua a muök thin ee ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋda yic, ku këne aloi thok tɛn ɣok.Akutnhom ee kɔc ɣer yic ku kɔ̈c cië Kɔc Adööc acï kuëc ee mïth käkkä, ku na yë tɛn ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ Aboriginal ka kek aa miɔ̈c wei ci nhialicden yiëk kek, tɛn kääckua, akutnhomda ku keek aye kek gaam bakbak."
Nyuɔ̈th Athɛ̈ɛ̈k erin bi yïn juääc piɔ̈ɔ̈c
Duk ye riɔ̈c ku ba thiëc alɔŋ kawen ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ ye kek buɔ̈thic, na ye kawën bii yïn e dhël lëŋ yen ke wic ba ŋic ku athɛ̈ɛ̈k nyuɔ̈th, Aci Thomas Mayo luel.
"Ku kën yen rilic ee ku ba pïŋ ku ɛ̈m tɛ ye yen kuänyic thin ku lɔr tuëŋ kek athɛ̈ɛ̈k."
Mr Mayo aya aye luel kuat raan aleu ku be kuën Luɛl̈ Uluru bɔ beei Puöthic arɛ̈ɛ̈l tɛn Thook juëc, ku kääc kek luɛ̈lde.
Raandit SBS ciëëŋ thin ee ɣok bɛ̈n täkhïïm kawen ye kek buɔthic aa rilic ee wɛ̈t gɛ̈mgɛ̈m kɔckuän thööŋ ke ɣok.
It’s about kindness and compassion, but at the end of the day I always say it’s just good manners.Rhoda Roberts
This content was first published in May 2022.