
One of the biggest causes of wasted water in our home is a slow leak in our pipes.  Rust can cause more moisture to get in which thereby weakens the strength of the structural material.

建築物裡面的喉管若漏水,可導致整棟建築物結構受損,所以大家務必注意 Source: Image by Jarda Šma from Pixabay

美國佛羅里達州邁阿密北部一座 12 層住宅大樓上週倒塌,原因正在調查之中,據澳大利亞皇家建築師學會院士尚毅 (Norman Sheun) 表示,他從新聞圖片中,看到建築物內部鋼鐵有些生鏽情況。

Norman Sheun received the Certificate of Fellow, the Royal Australian Institute of Architects
尚毅今年初獲得澳大利亞皇家建築師學會院士資格。 Source: Norman Sheun
