
Hong Kong surgeon arrested for suspected Botox Injection

Hong Kong surgeon arrested for suspected Botox Injection. AAP Source: AAP

日前香港一間美容中心發生顧客接受肉毒杆菌注射後,感到不適,期後送院救治,最終身亡事件。警方著手調查,並拘捕了涉案手術醫生。 過去一個月,香港發生過三宗同類案件,儘管頭兩宗並無顧客身亡的報告,但連串事件已經引起港府的高度關注。 究竟肉毒杆菌注射爲什麽會導致病人不適,甚至死亡?政府在這一方面的管制是否到位? 宋慶勤與本台特約記者張慕澄會談過這宗案例。 

It has been further revealed the surgeon concerned was once suspended for 5 months a number of years ago for liposuction fatality.

So what is Botox injection? How it would likely lead to fatality?

Our correspondent, Renee Kwan, reports.
