【專家話你知】 林奇恩教授講解選用新醫療設備的有何考慮

Faulty medical devices have reportedly been used widely due to lax regulation in Europe, a lack of transparency, and poor regulation.

Faulty medical devices have reportedly been used widely due to lax regulation in Europe, a lack of transparency, and poor regulation. Source: SBS (supplied)

今天我們廣東話節目的時事報導談到,因醫療設備故障而導致全球病人死亡人數, 10 年内有差不多 8 萬 3,000 人。於是溫楚良問雪梨科技大學林奇恩教授究竟醫生在考慮是否使用某種新產品時,會考慮什麽因素,和澳洲如何審批新產品可以在澳洲使用。

