
印度東面的賈坎德邦 (Jharkhand),發生一名16歲少女在參加一個婚宴時,被數名男子擄走強姦,之後把她釋放,而受害女童的家人前日向有關的村委投訴,村委判處兩名疑犯罰款5萬盧比 (約 1,000澳元) 及做掌上壓 100 下。

Those arrested include the village head who presided over the panchayat to decide over the quantum of punishment to be imposed on those accused of raping the 16-year-old girl.

Source: Reuters File Photo

該幾名強姦涉嫌犯不服判決,糾黨衝入受害者家中毆打其父母,再把該少女活活燒死,印度警方拘捕了 14 名涉案者,並展開調查。


印度近年發生多宗轟動的強姦案,一名8歲穆斯林女童較早時被揭發遭輪姦及謀殺,觸發印度全國大規模抗議,並通過對強姦 12 歲以下小童者處以死刑。

Published 6 May 2018 2:17pm
Updated 6 May 2018 2:20pm

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