

Demonstrators protest against the decision to project the barrier draw results for NSW Racing's The Everest onto the sails of the Sydney Opera House.

Demonstrators protest against the decision to project the barrier draw results for NSW Racing's The Everest onto the sails of the Sydney Opera House. Source: AAP

新州賽馬會原定昨晚在歌劇院為今個週末的「珠穆朗瑪峰」(The Everest)短程賽馬舉行出閘排位抽籤儀式。不過,大會其後以保安為由,臨時提早於昨日下午進行閉門抽籤,晚上再將騎師號碼及顏色投射到歌劇院外牆。

投射期間,包括本地著名歌星 Jimmy Barnes 在內的千多名示威群眾,以手機或手電筒照向歌劇院,並高呼「可恥」 (Shame) 等口號,試圖干擾投射在外牆上的賽馬宣傳。
Demonstrators are seen protesting against the decision to project the barrier draw results for NSW Racing's multi million dollar race
Demonstrators are seen protesting against the decision to project the barrier draw results for NSW Racing's multi million dollar race Source: AAP
Jimmy Barnes表示,在歌劇院外牆投射賽馬宣傳,在多個層面上看都是錯誤的。

他又指:「這 (雪梨歌劇院) 是澳洲人的重要財產,在外牆投射賽馬宣傳貶低這個地方。」

而在 change.org 網頁的聯署行動,至今已有超過31萬人聯署請願,抗議在歌劇院外牆投射宣傳活動,新州國家文物基金會亦質疑今次活動是否合法。

有關請願書於週二送交州議會,而新州獨立議員格林威治(Alex Greenwich) 就表示,誓要提出動議,試圖取消州政府推翻歌劇院管理層決定的權力。

A child holds a placard during a protest against the decision to project the barrier draw results
A child holds a placard during a protest against the decision to project the barrier draw results Source: AAP
澳洲總理莫理遜日前接受電台名嘴阿倫鍾斯(Alan Jones)的訪問時表示,自己無能力了解為何有人會對此感到不安。




Published 10 October 2018 11:30pm
By Janice Lam

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