
全國舉行澳新軍團日黎明紀念儀式,紀念一次大戰加利波利半島戰役,以及在大戰中陣亡的逾 6 萬名澳軍。時至今天,澳新軍團日紀念「所有在戰爭、衝突和維和任務中陣亡的澳新軍人」,和認同「全體參軍者的貢獻和付出」。

The ANZAC Day Dawn Service at Martin Place

The heart of Sydney stood still at dawn as thousands commemorated Anzac Day at Martin Place. (AAP) Source: AAP

全國舉行澳新軍團日黎明紀念儀式,紀念一次大戰加利波利半島戰役,以及在大戰中陣亡的逾 6 萬名澳軍。時至今天,澳新軍團日紀念「所有在戰爭、衝突和維和任務中陣亡的澳新軍人」,和認同「全體參軍者的貢獻和付出」。

加利波利半島戰事在 1915 年爆發,造成大約 8709 名澳洲軍人和 2721 名新西蘭軍人死亡。

在雪梨,有幾千人出席馬丁廣場的黎明悼念儀式。澳洲艦隊司令邁耶(Stuart Mayer)少將在儀式上致辭。
The Greek Presidential Guard will march on ANZACS Day's march in Sydney
The Greek Presidential Guard will march on ANZACS Day's march in Sydney Source: SBS Greek
他說,今年是多場戰役的重要週年紀念,包括在 1942 年澳洲遭受日本軍隊的空襲,至今已 75 年。

在坎培拉澳洲戰爭紀念館的紀念儀式,退伍軍人兼殘疾人士運動員麥格拉特(Curtis McGrath)講述他在阿富汗的戰士中的經歷。






An overview of the Australian War Memorial during the ANZAC Day dawn service in Canberra, Tuesday, April 25, 2017. (AAP)
An overview of the Australian War Memorial during the ANZAC Day dawn service in Canberra, Tuesday, April 25, 2017. (AAP) Source: AAP
A member of the catafalque party during an Anzac Day dawn service
File photo Source: AAP
The Anzac Day dawn service held by the Currumbin RSL is seen at Elephant Rock on Currumbin Beach, Gold Coast , Monday, April 25, 2017.(AAP)
The Anzac Day dawn service held by the Currumbin RSL is seen at Elephant Rock on Currumbin Beach, Gold Coast , Monday, April 25, 2017.(AAP) Source: AAP
Flight Lieutenant Kate Kennedy and Lieutenant Ben Willee salute durung the Anzac Day Dawn Service during Anzac Day commemorations in Melbourne (AAP)
Flight Lieutenant Kate Kennedy and Lieutenant Ben Willee salute durung the Anzac Day Dawn Service during Anzac Day commemorations in Melbourne (AAP) Source: AAP
The Anzac Day dawn service held by the Currumbin RSL is seen at Elephant Rock on Currumbin Beach, Gold Coast (AAP)
The Anzac Day dawn service held by the Currumbin RSL is seen at Elephant Rock on Currumbin Beach, Gold Coast (AAP) Source: AAP
The public gather around the Eternal Flame in the rain before the Anzac Day Dawn Service during Anzac Day in Melbourne (AAP)
The public gather around the Eternal Flame in the rain before the Anzac Day Dawn Service during Anzac Day in Melbourne (AAP) Source: AAP

Published 25 April 2017 11:51pm

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