

(L-R) Constable Glen Humphris, Senior Constable Kevin King, Leading Senior Constable Lynette Taylor and Constable Joshua Prestney.

Constable Glen Humphris, Senior Constable Kevin King, Leading Senior Constable Lynette Taylor and Constable Joshua Prestney will be memorialised in Canberra. Source: Victoria Police


該名 47 歲Cranbourne男子巴傑瓦(Mohinder Singh Bajwa)在案發過後一直在醫院留醫,接受維州警方重大交通事故調查組及兇案調查組調查,昨天晚上已出院。 

事發當晚,兩名高級警員Lynette Taylor、Kevin King及兩名警員Glen Humphris及Josh Prestney,在墨爾本東區Kew高速公路截停一輛超速的保時捷跑車期間,被一輛運載家禽凍肉的貨車撞死。 
Richard Pusey, the driver of a Porsche who allegedly fled the scene of a truck crash on Melbourne's Eastern Freeway which killed four police officers.
Source: AAP
而41歲保時捷跑車司機普西(Richard Pusey)則被控九項控罪,包括以危險速度駕駛、危險駕駛導致他人生命受威脅、未有為交通事故傷者提供協助、藏有毒品等。



Published 27 April 2020 9:50am
Updated 12 August 2022 3:20pm
By Winmas Yu, Jojo Lee

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