「極端熱浪」再襲新州 林火危機持續至除夕


NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian during a bushfire briefing at the Blue Mountains Fire Control Centre in Katoomba on Monday.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian during a bushfire briefing at the Blue Mountains Fire Control Centre in Katoomba. Source: AAP


林火在上星期肆虐新州期間,,另外有高達 100 間房屋被燒毀。
A house and car damaged by last Saturday's catastrophic bushfires in the Southern Highlands village of Balmoral. AAP
A house and car damaged by last Saturday's catastrophic bushfires in the Southern Highlands village of Balmoral. Source: AAP
氣象局當值預報員巴爾(Rose Barr)表示,嚴重熱浪將在星期四(12 月 26 日)拆禮物日影響新州南部地區。

她說:「星期四至星期六(28 日)期間,嚴重熱浪情況將影響新州南部地區,並在週末及下週期間進一步蔓延至新州其他大部份區域。」

她補充指:「隨著熱浪及風勢加劇,下週林火危機將會惡化,預測情況將在星期一(30 日)及星期二(31 日)最為嚴重。」

星期三(25 日)聖誕節當天,有超過 1,700 名消防員正參與撲救林火,在極端危險的情況來襲前加緊設置防火線。
A water bombing helicopter helps to contain the Gospers Mountain Fire
A water bombing helicopter helps to contain the Gospers Mountain Fire as it burns towards the village of Bilpin North West of Sydney Source: AAP
澳洲首都領地、Greater Hunter、Central and Southern Ranges、Northern and Southern Slopes 及新州西北部地區,星期四的火警危險級別為「極高」。



Published 26 December 2019 9:44am
Updated 12 August 2022 3:23pm
By SBS News, Winmas Yu
Source: SBS

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