
雪梨 Opal Tower 全幢物業的住戶再次被要求撤離住宅大樓。

More than 200 people have been evacuated from a 36-story high-rise building amid fears the structure could collapse

More than 200 people have been evacuated from a 36-story high-rise building amid fears the structure could collapse Source: AAP


星期一(12 月 24 日)下午有住戶報稱聽見及在十樓看見一度牆壁出現裂痕,,並疏散全幢物業及鄰近建築物內的民眾共三千人。

綜合報道,大廈建築商 Icon Constructions 於星期四(27 日)發表聲明,指大廈全體住戶將在未來 24 小時獲安排暫時遷離大廈,以作「防範」。


Icon 表示,所有住戶將獲安排暫住鄰近酒店,而公司亦將為住戶作出賠償。


聲明指:「全面調查工作將由國際知名工程公司 WSP 領導,並由日本大型建築商鹿島建設(Kajima Corporation)資深工程師協助進行。」

鹿島建設為 Icon 公司的主要股東。

星期三(26 日),該幢大廈的表示,對大廈出現結構問題而導致有居民不能回家,感到「震驚」,又強調大廈是一幢「高質量大樓」,並重申大廈承建商 Icon Constructions 全權負責大廈的設計及建造工程。

Icon 的發言人表示,公司承認「對事件責無旁貸」。
Construction workers are seen in front of Opal Tower after NSW Opposition Leader Michael Daley addressed the media in Sydney.
Construction workers are seen in front of Opal Tower after NSW Opposition Leader Michael Daley addressed the media in Sydney. Source: AAP
 Damage inside the Opal Tower, where cracking was found in an internal support wall on the 10th floor.
Specialists to examine 'cracked' Syd tower Source: The Guardian


Published 27 December 2018 11:00pm
By Winmas Yu

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