加州美食節槍擊案:槍手年僅 19 歲

美國調查人員證實,加州槍擊案槍手為一名 19 歲少年。

Law enforcement officers from multiple agencies continue to investigate the scene where killed and another 15 injured during the Gilroy Garlic Festival.

Law enforcement officers from multiple agencies continue to investigate the scene where killed and another 15 injured during the Gilroy Garlic Festival. Source: AAP

美國當局加州再發生大規模槍擊案,造成三人喪命及另外 12 人受傷。當局指涉案槍手為一名 19 歲青少年,正翻查其所有社交媒體帳戶,包括一個在四天前開設的 Instagram 帳戶。

當局表示,槍手里根(Santino William Legan)於當地時間星期日(7 月 28 日),在加州北部一個美食節「Gilroy Garlic Festival Sunday」,手持 AK47 型突擊步槍隨機開火。

This screenshot of Santino William Legan's Instagram account shows a selfie of Legan, who opened fire at a garlic festival in Gilroy.
This screenshot of Santino William Legan's Instagram account shows a selfie of Legan, who opened fire at a garlic festival in Gilroy. Source: Instagram
執法人員於星期一(29 日)表示,當局目前尚未能確定槍手行兇動機。但當地媒體報道,調查人員正翻查里根的社交媒體帳戶記錄,包括一個在四天前才正式開設的 Instagram 帳戶,內容曾引用一本與白人至上主義有關的書籍。

據報,其中一幅在槍擊案發生前不久發佈的一個貼文,顯示一幅該美食節的相片;而貼文亦寫上「garlic festival」、「浪費時間」、「收費過多」等字眼。

此外,另一個貼文則包括一幅顯示 Smokey the Bear 圖案的相片,並附有「今日火警危險級別為高」的字眼,同時亦引用一本白人至上主義書籍《Right is Might》,當中宣揚的是無政府狀態。
Law enforcement officers near the entrance of Christmas Hill Park where an active gunman fired upon patrons killing three and injuring around 15 people.
Law enforcement officers near the entrance of Christmas Hill Park where an active gunman fired upon patrons killing three and injuring around 15 people. Source: AAP
Gilroy 警察局局長史密飛(Scot Smithee)表示,調查人員正試圖尋找目擊者證實,是否有另一人有份協助里根執行槍擊。



另外兩名死者分別為一名 13 歲女童及一名 20 多歲男子。

當地媒體報道,其他傷者年齡介乎 12 至 69 歲,其中一人情況危殆。
People reunite with family members in the parking lot of Gavilan College after a gunman shot into the crowd indiscriminately.
People reunite with family members in the parking lot of Gavilan College after a gunman shot into the crowd indiscriminately. Source: AAP


Published 30 July 2019 10:00pm
By Winmas Yu
Source: AFP, SBS

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