
法國黃背心示威者不理會總統馬克龍為了結束示威浪潮而提出的多項措施,連續第 24 個周末上街示威。本周主題是向總統馬克龍「說不」,示威者批評他日前公布的改革措施無誠意,又不回應反對聲音。

Protesters turn out for the 24th consecutive national weekly protest by the yellow vest movement in Strasbourg, France, April 27, 2019, in this still image taken from a video obtained from social media.

Protesters turn out for the 24th consecutive national weekly protest by the yellow vest movement in Strasbourg, France, April 27, 2019 Source: Voice of America


法國內政部估計,昨日全國有 2 萬 3,000 多人示威,比上周末少了約 5,000 人。

Published 28 April 2019 11:30am
Updated 28 March 2020 8:00am
By Aaron Wan

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