

A "fresher" at the University of Newcastle in Australia drinks from a public dog bowl on a sidewalk.

A "fresher" at the University of Newcastle in Australia drinks from a public dog bowl on a sidewalk. Source: ABC/News.com.au


新聞集團網上新聞平台「news.com.au」近日正就本地大學宿舍文化進行偵查報道,並由紐卡素大學(University of Newcastle)學生手上取得多段錄影片段,揭發該大學某住宿學院驚人的迎新「傳統」。

報道指,片段中的學生為紐卡素大學宿舍「Evatt House」的宿生。

該宿舍每年均會舉行一次名為「Lad's Weekend」的週末迎新活動,其中男性宿生除去印有宿舍名稱的衞衣,換上恤衫及西裝,以防止被人認出,並跨州前往墨爾本 St Kilda 的 Catani Gardens 舉行他們自稱的「入伍儀式(initiation)」。

Evatt House students performing the bizarre penis drinking ritual.
Source: News Corp
The new students will get their turn next year to humiliate the following cohort.
Source: News Corp
新聞集團的偵查行動共取得超過 200 段短片,當中包括的不雅或涉及侮辱的行為亦包括「學生戴上狗帶並扮演犬隻、彎下腰在狗隻的飲水兜中喝水」、「從他人的頭頂上、垃圾桶上或自己的鞋子內飲用酒精飲品」及「飲用自己的嘔吐物」。


Male students were recorded on nudie runs, skateboarding naked in hallways and dancing naked in public areas.
Source: News Corp
The University of Newcastle says it promotes a safe environment for students living on campus while respecting their sense of autonomy.
Source: News Corp


Published 19 February 2018 3:05pm
Updated 19 February 2018 3:08pm
By Winmas Yu

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