總理記者會起衝突 中國官媒記者遮擋本台鏡頭

總理莫理遜(Scott Morrison)昨日在堪培拉開記者會期間,本台攝影師遭一名中國官媒新華社的記者用手遮擋鏡頭。

A Xinhua News journalist tried to cover an SBS camera to stop herself being filmed during Prime Minister Scott Morrison's press conference.

A Xinhua News journalist tried to cover an SBS camera to stop herself being filmed during Prime Minister Scott Morrison's press conference. Source: SBS


  • 在昨日的總理記者會上,本台攝影師向一名新華社記者方向拍攝
  • 該名中國官媒記者發現後上前遮擋本台的鏡頭,要求攝影師停機
  • 在引起在場記者和警員注意後,該名女記者突然離開

昨日(6月26日),澳洲情報部門和聯邦警察突擊搜查新州議員莫瑟馬尼(Shaoquett Moselmane)的雪梨寓所,調查其辦公室疑被北京滲透的案件。

The female photographer who had been seen taking photos of other Australian journalists believed to be in attendance at the media event with the Xinhua News reporter.
The female photographer who had been seen taking photos of other Australian journalists believed to be in attendance at the media event with the Xinhua News rep Source: SBS
A female photographer had been seen taking photos of other Australian journalists.
A female photographer had been seen taking photos of other Australian journalists. Source: SBS



The Xinhua News reporter suddenly left the press conference after the scuffle drew the attention of several journalists and Australian Federal Police officers.
The Xinhua News reporter suddenly left the press conference after the scuffle drew the attention of several journalists and Australian Federal Police officers. Source: SBS
據報道,該攝影師只持有「臨時證」(escorted pass)而非永久記者證,一般情況下進入總理辦公室庭院是需要持有記者證。


事後,澳洲廣播公司執行總編輯里昂(John Lyons)在社交媒體推特(Twitter)上表示,在澳洲出席總理記者會,無論是誰也可以被拍攝。


Published 27 June 2020 12:44pm
Updated 28 June 2020 8:55am
By Yiu Wah Lin

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