
在印尼峇里涉嫌藏毒被捕的澳洲籍男子羅伯斯 (Isaac Emmanuel Roberts) 身體不適入院。

Isaac Emanuel Roberts at at the police media conference where his arrest was announced.

Isaac Emanuel Roberts at at the police media conference where his arrest was announced. Source: ABC Australia

在印尼峇里涉嫌藏毒被捕的澳洲籍男子羅伯斯 (Isaac Emmanuel Roberts) 身體不適入院。


被告在 12 月 4 日由泰國曼谷飛抵峇厘,被控攜帶 19 克安非他明和迷幻藥。


Published 20 December 2017 9:53pm

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