
一群示威者在倫敦市中心西敏橋掛上一塊 25 米長橫幡。

Activists have protested Australia Day in London, saying they want to show solidarity with Indigenous people in Australia.

Activists have protested Australia Day in London, saying they want to show solidarity with Indigenous people in Australia. Source: SBS News

英國約有 30 人在國會大樓對開的倫敦西敏大橋,掛上寫有「廢除澳洲日」的橫額,以示「對在澳洲舉行的同類型示威活動的支持」。

橫幡長 25 米,上寫有「Abolish Australia Day」(廢除澳洲日)的標語。
Anti-Australia Day protesters hold a banner saying "Abolish Australia Day" over the side of the Westminster Bridge.
Anti-Australia Day protesters hold a banner saying "Abolish Australia Day" over the side of the Westminster Bridge. Source: AAP
倫敦澳洲團結行動中心發言人舍恩(Eda Sehyan)表示,行動是為展示對澳洲原住民的支持。他指:「澳洲原住民將這一天(澳洲日)為一個悲傷的日子。」

30 名示威人士在當地時間星期五傍晚時份舉行抗議活動,時間正值澳洲各地都有原住民舉行日出儀式。

Australians Celebrate Australia Day As Debate Continues Over Changing The Date
Hundreds of people gather in Melbourne for a dawn service to commemorate all Sovereign First Peoples who defended and died in battles across Australia. Source: Getty Images AsiaPac

儀式在墨爾本 Kings Domain 舉行,該處埋葬了 38 名維州原住民的屍體。儀式上有代表發表講話、靜默一分鐘、煙霧儀式等,同時亦讀出全州目前已知的大屠殺地點清單。


Published 26 January 2019 11:59am
Updated 12 August 2022 3:32pm
By Winmas Yu, Maani Truu

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