
: Former Vietnamese refugees now living in Australia have pledged more than half a million dollars to help ease the plight of Syrian refugees

: Former Vietnamese refugees now living in Australia have pledged more than half a million dollars to help ease the plight of Syrian refugees Source: SBS

敍利亚难民潮我成爲了近代涉及最多人数的一次,很多人逃出敍利亚去了欧洲和其他地方,反而能够来澳洲的不是太多。虽是这样,现居澳洲的前越南难民社群,群策群力,为这班流离失所的叙利亚难民筹得超过 50 万澳元的人道救援款项。他们爲什麽要发起帮助这些叙利亚难民呢?请听温楚良这节报导。
