雪梨 Opal Tower 裂缝乍现四周住客狼狈疏散

More than 200 people have been evacuated from a 36-story high-rise building amid fears the structure could collapse

More than 200 people have been evacuated from a 36-story high-rise building amid fears the structure could collapse Source: AAP

位于雪梨奥运公园、于本年 8 月才落成入伙的36 层住宅大厦 Opal Tower,昨日下午 10 楼惊见裂缝,据説和内支撑墙出现问题有关。

结果,警员、消防员和拯救人员齐齐出动,不只是 Opal Tower 的住客,就连方圆一公里的住客也得紧急疏散,有些市民和游客被逼在外面过夜。


