香港示威者美领馆前挥舞美国旗 望特朗普援助


Anti-government protesters carry US national flags and placards that appeal to President Trump to 'liberate Hong Kong' during a rally

Anti-government protesters carry US national flags and placards that appeal to President Trump to 'liberate Hong Kong' during a rally Source: AAP


集会中许多人挥舞着美国国旗,示威者说他们争取民主与自由而战,与美国的价值观一致,这个超级大国应该伸出援助之手,有人举起“特朗普总统,请解放香港”(President Trump, Please Liberate Hong Kong)的横幅。
Thousands of Hong Kong demonstrators marched to the U.S. Consulate on Sunday, urging President Donald Trump to help "liberate" their city.
Thousands of Hong Kong demonstrators marched to the U.S. Consulate on Sunday, urging President Donald Trump to help "liberate" their city. Source: AP


《香港人权与民主法案》是美国政府讨论中的一项法案,由美国国会及行政当局中国委员会主席众议员克里斯·史密斯(Chris Smith)、联席主席参议员马尔科·鲁比奥(Macro Rubio)共同提出。根据该法案,美方对涉及镇压基本自由的香港或中国大陆的政府官员,设立惩罚机制,包括禁止涉事官员入境美国及冻结其在美国之资产等。

Published 9 September 2019 11:42am

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