反缅甸政变示威 军警开枪两死数十伤


Protesters take to the streets of Yangon to protest against the military coup and demanded the release of Aung San Suu Kyi on 19 February.

Protesters take to the streets of Yangon to protest against the military coup and demanded the release of Aung San Suu Kyi on 19 February. Source: LightRocket via Getty Images


自从2月1日缅甸民选领导人昂山素季(Aung San Suu Kyi)遭到军方逮补、软禁後,缅甸全国多个城市都陷入混乱,主要城市和村落都有大型街头示威活动。
A soldier carries a sniper rifle during a demonstration against the military coup where security forces fired on protesters in Mandalay on 20 February.
A soldier carries a sniper rifle during a demonstration against the military coup where security forces fired on protesters in Mandalay on 20 February. Source: AFP via Getty Images

Flowers, a portrait and flag of the National League for Democracy party are displayed in honour of Mya Thwate Thwate Khaing, during a demonstration in Yangon.
Flowers, a portrait and flag of the National League for Democracy party are displayed in honour of Mya Thwate Thwate Khaing, during a demonstration in Yangon. Source: AFP via Getty Images
曼德勒地区的急难救助志愿者Hlaing Min Oo表示,有两人遭到枪击去世,其中一名青少年被一枪击中脑部,另外有约30人因此受伤。他补充,其他人还遭到橡胶子弹和弹弓攻击受伤。




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Published 21 February 2021 3:45pm
Presented by Jennis Hsu
Source: AFP, SBS

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