别了巨无霸:麦当劳撤离俄罗斯 原餐厅改头换面重新营业


Employees take part in preparations before the opening of a new restaurant, following McDonald's Corp company's decision to sell its restaurants in Russia to one of its local licensees that will rebrand them under a new name, in Moscow, Russia June 12

Employees take part in preparations before the opening of a new restaurant, following McDonald's Corp company's decision to sell its restaurants in Russiat. Source: REUTERS/Evgenia Novozhenina


上周日,俄罗斯快餐和经济领域的新纪元开始了,曾经的麦当劳​​餐厅在莫斯科改头换面,以新的俄罗斯所有权和新名称“Vkusno & tochka”(意为“美味,就是这样”)重新开业。

在这家美国汉堡巨头首次在莫斯科开业,象征着东西方之间的“解冻”三十多年后,更名门店的揭幕再次成为新世界秩序的鲜明标志。“就是这么好吃”在俄罗斯日(Russia Day)重新开业,而这是一个庆祝民族自豪感的节日。

A view shows a banner with the logo of a new restaurant chain, following McDonald's Corp company's decision to sell its restaurants in Russia
A view shows a banner with the logo of a new restaurant chain, following McDonald's Corp company's decision to sell its restaurants in Russia Source: REUTERS/Evgenia Novozhenina


“我们需要避免质量下降,让一切都保持原样,因为我们喜欢麦当劳,”IT工作者萨达娜·东斯卡娅(Sardana Donskaya)说。32年前,她排队第一次品尝了这个象征着西方资本主义的品牌,而在上周日又再次回来迎接其继任者。


People gather near the new restaurant "Vkusno & tochka", which opens following McDonald's Corp company's exit from the Russian market, in Moscow, Russia June 12, 2022.
People gather near the new restaurant "Vkusno & tochka", which opens following McDonald's Corp company's exit from the Russian market, in Moscow, Russia June 12 Source: REUTERS/Evgenia Novozhenina

新公司的质量经理亚历山大·梅库洛夫(Alexander Merkulov)说,汉堡的成分没有改变,麦当劳的设备也一概保留。


First customers pose for a photograph after eating from the new fast-food restaurant that came as a substitute for McDonald's on the Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow.
First customers pose for a photograph after eating from the new fast-food restaurant that came as a substitute for McDonald's on the Pushkinskaya Square Source: AAP / SOPA Images/Sipa USA


“就是这么好吃”的首席执行官奥列格·帕罗耶夫(Oleg Paroev)说,该公司计划在6月底前在俄罗斯重开200家餐厅,在夏季结束前重开全部850家餐厅。

People visit the new restaurant "Vkusno & tochka", which opens following McDonald's Corp company's exit from the Russian market, in Moscow, Russia June 12, 2022.
People visit the new restaurant "Vkusno & tochka", which opens following McDonald's Corp company's exit from the Russian market, in Moscow, Russia June 12, 2022 Source: REUTERS/Evgenia Novozhenina

西伯利亚商人亚历山大·戈沃尔(Alexander Govor)是这家企业的新主人,他告诉路透社,该公司将寻求推出类似于麦当劳标志性巨无霸的产品。


An employee takes part in preparations before the opening of a new restaurant, following McDonald's Corp company's decision to sell its restaurants in Russia
An employee takes part in preparations before the opening of a new restaurant, following McDonald's Corp company's decision to sell its restaurants in Russia Source: REUTERS/Evgenia Novozhenina





An employee takes part in preparations before the opening of a new restaurant, following McDonald's Corp company's decision to sell its restaurants in Russia
An employee takes part in preparations before the opening of a new restaurant, following McDonald's Corp company's decision to sell its restaurants in Russia Source: REUTERS/Evgenia Novozhenina




Published 13 June 2022 1:12pm
Updated 14 June 2022 11:05am
Source: Reuters, AFP

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