昨天(10月28日),事件主要人物之一前新州Wagga Wagga议员达里尔·马奎尔(Daryl Maguire)在听证会上确认,他与贝瑞吉克莲曾有过一段情,
在一份被截获的两人通话录音中,贝瑞吉克莲说,她将为马奎尔所在的Wagga Wagga选区“撒钱”(throw money)。
马奎尔也在听证会上承认,他曾要求为某房地产交易提供一笔秘密拨款。以下是马奎尔与贝瑞吉克莲被截获的一段电话通话:(GB为Gladys Berejiklian缩写,DM为Daryl Maguire缩写)
GB: You don’t see it, I don’t want to argue with you, I just need to go and chill because you’ve stressed me out.
DM: Alright I'll go and chill, you just throw money at Wagga.
GB: I'll throw money at Wagga, lots of it, don’t you worry about that.
GB: I'll throw money at Wagga you just have to do what’s right on you end otherwise you'll kill me.
贝瑞吉克莲:“我会给Wagga 撒钱,你就去你做你认为该做的事,否则你饶不了我的。”
DM: No, no its' fine I'm batting for ya (supporting you). You just need to know what the right things are to throw money at in Wagga.
马奎尔:“不,我怎么会那样做呢,我这样做都是为了支持你啊。你只需知道什么事情该做就可以了,而给Wagga 撒钱就是该做的事。”
GB: I already know, you’ve already told me the top three things.
DM: You need to go and give them a stadium.
GB: I'll do that, I'll do that too"
反腐调查委员会助理专员露丝·麦可尔(Ruth McColl)也确认,马奎尔曾希望贝瑞吉克莲扫清给Riverrina音乐学院拨款的障碍。