'Dr No' welcomes High Court decision to proceed with same-sex marriage survey

A Sydney doctor appearing in the controversial TV advertisement for the Say No campaign on same-sex marriage speaks to SBS Mandarin following the High Court's decision to rule favour of the Turnbull government's same-sex marriage postal survey.

The high court decision, handed down in Melbourne at 2:15pm (AEST) means the surveys will start being mailed out to over 16 million Australians from 12 September as planned, with the result to be released on November 15.

Dr Pansy Lai, a GP in Sydney, and one of the three mothers who appeared in the first on same-sex marriage, tells SBS Mandarin that she welcomes the high court's decision and will push the campaign forward leading to the vote.

"It seems to me that some of the same-sex activists tried very hard to stop people from having a say on marriage," she tells SBS Mandarin.

"But now the vote is going ahead, I think it's very important that Australians are aware of how redefining marriage would affect everyone in society."

The Chinese Australian mother stirred a public debate of freedom of speech on both sides' intensifying national campaigns, following a failed petition calling to deregister her and accusing her of a "‘violation of its code of ethics" - although the ad itself did not reveal her medical occupation.

Tens of thousands more controversial flyers distributed

Dr Lai is also the co-founder of the Australian Chinese for Families Association - a frontier community advocate group opponent of Same Sex Marriage and the Safe Schools program.

Dr Lai, who recently rejected claims that she in her role as a doctor, dismisses criticism of a flyer that the organization that has been circulating among the Chinese Australian community with the help of their team of volunteers.

"Last week we printed and delivered 10,000 flyers to those who have expressed interest in distributing them," she says.

"There have also been people who have obtained an electronic copy and are printing it themselves."

"They are all being distributed by volunteers who have joined us because of their concerns about the consequences of changing the marriage act," says Dr Lai.
Say No Flyer in Chinese from Australian Chinese for Families association
Say No Flyer in Chinese from Australian Chinese for Families association Source: ACF
The six-page Chinese language pamphlet, printed in large font, reads: "Redefining marriage will leave our society bearing severe consequences."

"We all deserve to know the real consequences of legalization of same sex marriage."

It reads: "in countries where same sex marriage is legalised, employees could be fired by the government and big corporations after they expressed their personal belief that marriage is only between a man and a woman."

"Small businesses will be hit with lawsuits and struggle if they choose not to cater to same-sex weddings because of their personal religion."
"Supporters of same-sex marriage choose to term it as 'marriage equality' to make same-sex couple looks like victims, but in fact they are not."
The pamphlet also says the rights of same-sex marriage opponents will be threatened: "Same sex marriage advocates have shown that they don't care about others' equality."

"They intend to use Discrimination Act to sue every individual who supports traditional marriage for personal, cultural and religious reasons."

The flyer also pitches the 'No' supporters as the "silent majority" and calls upon Chinese families to "think about your descendants and future generations" and say no in the upcoming postal vote.

"It will change the foundation of human society for thousands of years," it reads.

"That is the definition of marriage and family - so the impact on the society is enormous."

It argues that in 2008, 85 law changes made by federal government have already made more equal laws for the same-sex couples.

"Supporters of same-sex marriage choose to term it as 'marriage equality' to make same-sex couple looks like victims, but in fact they are not."
Same-sex marriage "will change the foundation of human society for thousands of years" reads the pamphlet
"In terms of medicare, finance and property right and kinship relations, there is no discrimination against same-sex couples in Australian laws," the flyer reads.

The "enormous impact" on the society of legalizing same-sex Marriage listed in the flyer include: taking away parents' rights,  threats to religious freedoms and freedom of speech and "robbing away the right of children to biological parenthood."

It was also critical of the Safe Schools program: "Safe schools’ promote inappropriate information and queer confusion, telling children their gender is not relevant to their physiology." 

It also uses the profile of the daughter of a lesbian couple to argue about how children could be "deprived of proper parents" and that the couples' existence is, "merely to satisfy needs of adults' desires."
"Safe schools’ promote inappropriate information and queer confusion, telling children their gender is not relevant to their physiology."
The organization says on it's website that the first 10,000 copies have already been snapped up, and they have ordered tens of thousands more. It also supports people to order some printed flyers to "give to your friends, or maybe a larger amount for your community."

Dr Lai says, "we have had a very positive response to our flyer from the Australian Chinese community right across Australia."

"Many people have found the flyers informative and helpful to understand how changing the marriage act would affect everyone in our society."

"Everyone is free to choose their own lifestyles, and everyone is valuable -we do not discriminate against anyone."

"But people to need to understand the real consequences of changing the marriage laws as they make a decision for themselves."

She also tells SBS Mandarin that she has received a lot of support from the Australian Chinese community, since the media exposed the her "livelihood by as a doctor." - The petition has since been taken down. 

"Many in the Chinese community have told me that they are very alarmed by what happened to me," says Dr Lai. "And they are fearful of what it means if the law changes."

"They can see that there are indeed people determined to silence those who hold traditional family values."

"Could the same happen to them? Could they be laid off from their government jobs for believing that the traditional family gives the best outcome for children? Or if they voice out their concerns about their children being taught content like those in the safe schools program that are against their traditional family values?"
"We reject the notion that Asian Australians agree with discrimination and prejudice directed against LGBTI."
The Asian Australian Alliance (AAA), which fully supports Marriage Equality, are concerned that opponents to Marriage Equality are muddying the debate with false information, misdirection and fear-mongering.

"At the present moment, LGBTI Asian Australians are being treated as second class citizens and are still discriminated under law and are being excluded from civil marriage, which is a right that must be available to all Australians," says Susan Joo - the convener of Asian Australian Alliance NSW.

Joo said their organization rejects the notion that Asian Australians agree with discrimination and prejudice directed against the LGBTI community, including LGBTI members of Asian Australian.

“LGBTI Asian Australians are a treasured part of our families and communities, and have families themselves that includes children and grandchildren," says Joo.

"We abhor suggestions that LGBTI members of our Asian Australian community wanting their basic civil rights is a threat to anyone."
A sign of support for Marriage Equality
The High Court has handed down its rulings over the same-sex marriage postal survey. (AAP) Source: AAP

Yes Campaign calls on supporters across the nation to get out and vote

The Equality Campaign today said the YES campaign for marriage equality will lead a national conversation encouraging every Australian to vote for fairness so every person in this nation is able to get married, after the High Court has ruled that the Government’s proposed postal survey on marriage equality can proceed.
Tiernan Brady, executive director of the Equality Campaign, says, "This must be a campaign of millions of respectful conversations that unites the country."

"We haven’t a moment to lose and we are hitting the ground running with hundreds of thousands of supporters talking about why marriage equality matters." 
“This is a vote about the worth, dignity and status of members of our family, friends, workmates and neighbours, and across the country people are standing up for them.
Brady said it's all about "getting as many surveys returned as possible."
“We call on everyone to participate and to talk to their family and friends to make sure they do too. Together, lets get this done,” Tiernan Brady concluded.

8 min read
Published 7 September 2017 4:28pm
Updated 8 September 2017 6:50pm
By Heidi Han

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