We apologise for what we're about to do to you. Because by the time you read this, if you're a member of the "ends are best" camp, you'll be fighting a severe case of the wants for the dark chewy ends of a tray of brownies, or the crusty first slice off the end of a magnificent pork roast.
Recently, a friend came over for a visit and I made my mum's date loaf recipe to serve up while we chatted over a cuppa. And then my friend and I did a manners dance that will be oh-so-familiar to many of you. "Would you like the end piece?" "Oh I don't mind." "I don't mind, either, and you're the guest". "But you made it." "But I'll be eating the other end eventually." "Oh in that case, I'd LOVE the end bit."
She's not alone.
Of course, it's not just the sweet stuff. Just watch this - chef James Martin is literally wiggling with delight.
You can see Martin cook up that magnificent slow roasted pork belly, which he serves with spiced apple and cider sauce, in Great British Food Revival, 5.55pm weeknights on SBS, starting Monday 26 February. A brace of passionate chefs, including Martin, SBS and Food Network Australia star Ainsley Harriott, baker Michel Roux and the , David Myers and Simon "Si" King (watch them now in Old School with The Hairy Bikers), take a look at ingredients they are passionate about, starting with Martin and apples.
Ends fans agree with James Martin on the joys of chef's perks (he also nabs some cooked pastry trimmings from an apple tart he makes later in the episode!)
Now, not everyone loves the crust from a loaf of sliced bread (although I'll put my hand up for that, every time!). But surely the slightly chewier end bits of a brownie hold universal appeal?
And there's something about the end slice of a loaf cake. Am I right, end lovers? Is the end slice of this not calling your name and asking you to adorn it with a bit of butter and eat it immediately?Or if you've now got the urge for chewy brownie bits, we suggest whipping up a batch of these :Or plan ahead and have reason to join James Martin in the chef's perks happy dance with his . You'll notice he didn't plate up any end bits...Watch Great British Food Revival 5.50 pm weeknights on SBS, starting Monday 26 February, then on . Find out more about the show .
Source: Ashley Rodriguez
Source: SBS Food
Source: Great British Food Revival
the end is nigh
Sweet Mexican corn cake (pastel de elote)