In his most for SBS, chef Matthew Evans put the Australian meat industry under the microscope, examining and questioning the little known processes that deliver the pork, chicken and beef we love to our plates.
Australia’s thriving seafood trade gets the same treatment in where Evans dives deeper into our four favourite purchases from the fish market: salmon, tuna, shark and prawns.
As we prepare to stock up on the latter for Christmas lunch, it's interesting to know that many of the cheaper prawns sold in Australia are farmed in Thailand, where what they are fed is questionable to say the least.
Shark meanwhile, or “flake” as it is more commonly known, may not be on many of our festive season groceries lists, but most people who have ordered battered fish and chips will undoubtedly have eaten it.
Most flake is gummy shark or rig shark, but until a standard was announced by the two years ago, up to 100 different species of shark were being served up under the general name of flake, including threatened school sharks.
However, this revelation pales in comparison to the shocking practice of where sharks are caught, have their fins cut off and are thrown back into the ocean to slowly die.
Aside from exposing the often hidden practices that keep our seafood prices down, Evans questions just how sustainable our love for seafood is and explores what can be done to improve the industry.
His confronting series, that premiered in 2014, brought about a Senate inquiry into Australia's seafood labelling and saw Evans lobby fast food chain Dominos to radically rethink the way they do seafood pizzas.
The entire three-part series can be viewed now and for free on . The first episode looks at one of Australia's most popular seafood, prawns - watch it now!