Podcast Series
Story Globe
Take a trip around the globe one tale at a time. Listen to traditional children’s stories from around the world, in English and the languages where the stories were first told. Come to Vietnam to meet the coconut kid, sail to Ethiopia to hear about the wedding of the cats and the rats. Head then to the Punjab and meet the little rascal who grows up to be a hero. Or travel to China and hear the tale of the magical paintbrush, before flying away to Greece to hang with the kids who became stars. Tales of magic, adventure, courage, love, trickery, and laughter for children and their parents.
Juha: A story of justice
25/10/2024 15:15
جحا: قصة عن العدالة
25/10/2024 16:41
Ma Liang and the Magic Brush
24/10/2024 14:18
24/10/2024 13:37
Ande Ande Lumut: The Cinderella of Java
23/10/2024 18:11
Ande Ande Lumut: Cinderella dari Jawa
23/10/2024 17:37
The Crab Prince
22/10/2024 17:12
Il Principe granchio
22/10/2024 17:36
The Wedding of Cats and Rats: A devious celebration
21/03/2024 17:05
በድመቶች እና አይጦች መካከል ሊደርግ የታሰበ ሰርግ- ታሪኩ የተወሰደው ከአማርኛ ቋንቋ ነው ::
21/03/2024 19:51
Dullah Bhatti: The Robin Hood of Punjab
14/03/2024 15:16
''ਦੁੱਲਾ ਭੱਟੀ'': ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਦੀ ਇੱਕ ਕਹਾਣੀ
14/03/2024 16:48